Mobile Software Innovations Apps

Dots & Boxes Phone-to-Phone 1.6
A classic pencil-and-paper game. Players taketurns drawing lines between dots, getting a point for each box theyclose.Features:- Play multiplayer with yourfriends, phone-to-phone, oragainst the computer.- No server connectivity orprivacy issues.- No limit on simultaneousgames or frequency of moves.Moves are exchanged over text messages, from the application onone phone to the other. This application does NOT allow two playersto play using only one phone.Feedback is welcome.
Safe Arrival 1.4
In a nutshell, Safe Arrival allows one user toset a wake-up alarm on their phone, giving another user theauthority to turn off that alarm before it sounds. Here are somescenarios where this might be useful:Outings:Your teenage child is going out for the evening. As aresponsible parent you feel you should wait up so that you knowthey arrived home safely. Using this application, however, you canbe comfortable going to sleep, knowing that you will be woken up ifyour child is not home by a certain time. Here's how it works: Yourun the Safe Arrival application and create an "event". Creating anevent is like setting an alarm clock. At the time you choose, analarm will sound that will wake you up, UNLESS your child hasarrived home and indicated that your alarm can be safely turnedoff. So if your child arrives home safely, you sleep through thenight. Otherwise you are woken up by the alarm to investigate theirwhereabouts. If your child has the Safe Arrival application ontheir phone as well, they can use it to turn off your alarm. Ifnot, they can send a normal text message to your phone, using aspecial syntax, that will turn off your alarm. That text message isintercepted by the Safe Arrival application so that it doesn't wakeyou up.Curfews:But the previous scenario only applies for children that havealready earned a certain amount of trust. Sometimes a parent needsto enforce a curfew for a child that would rather stay out past thetime they should be home. The Safe Arrival application is designedto help with this scenario as well. It works just as describedabove, with one difference: Your child must enter a password inorder to turn off your alarm. Don't tell your child what thepassword is before they leave the house. Once they've left, writethe password down and leave it at some agreed-upon place in thehouse. When your child gets home, they see the password and enterit into the Safe Arrival application on their phone, or include itin the text message they send to turn off your alarm. If they'renot home in time, they can't turn off your alarm, because theydon't yet know the password. In this manner, you can be assuredthat they actually arrived home. This is a limited form of parentalcontrol, and offers you a measure of assurance without having towatch your loved one at all times.Working Parents:What if you're working while your child is returning home fromschool by themselves? You want to make sure your child makes ithome as expected, right? You could set a repeating alarm ornotification to sound at the time they should be home. When yourloved one arrives home, they use their phone to turn off youralarm. If all goes well, you work through the day without everworrying about it. If they are delayed arriving home for somereason, your alarm or notification sounds and you can callthem.Basics:A user of this application is either a "worrier" or a"traveler". The worrier is the person waiting at home, while thetraveler is the person making the trip or outing. The worrier musthave the Safe Arrival application installed on their phone. Thetraveler will find using the application to be very convenient aswell, but it's not necessary for them to have it installed, so longas they can send and receive text messages with their phone. Ifboth the worrier and traveler have the application installed,information is exchanged between the applications using textmessages.Feedback is welcome.